WORLD OF WALAS SIGNS CIRCULAR ECONOMY SINGAPORE COVENANT(ReCirc)World of Walas, the multinational sustainable urban development company with offices in Canada, Germany and The Netherlands joined thirteen other business partners in signing the solution, which commits the companies to working towards and sharing sustainable sludge and waste solutions between Singapore and The Netherlands. The aim of the covenant is to jointly explore and realize circular solutions in the field of sludge and waste processing and raw material recovery in Singapore and the Netherlands. “We can certainly make an important contribution here”, says Gerben van Straaten, CEO of World of Walas. “It fits well with our objective to realize sustainable cities and with the objectives of our innovation partners.” ReCirc Singapore is built as a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) of a coalition of business, government, civil society organizations and knowledge institutions. It is an alliance of knowledge, know-how and business. In ReCirc Singapore the following companies and institutes are working together: Witteveen+Bos (cluster coordinator), Waternet, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, Nijhuis Industries, Paques, CirTec, World of Walas, Asia Pacific Breweries, Organic Village, KWR Watercycle Research Institute, Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University and Research, and Upp! UpCycling Plastic. The consortium starts with the PIB ReCirc program (2018-2020), creating the basis for a Centre of Excellence on Resource Recovery for Circular Economy (2021 and beyond). The cooperation within this covenant focuses on pragmatic solutions, applied R&D, business development and cross sector collaboration. World of Walas: a growing portfolio to look out forWorld of Walas is a growing portfolio of companies focused on building sustainable communities through innovations, projects and policy development. It was founded by Gerben van Straaten to offer a fundamentally different approach to development. Gerben has over 25 years of experience working with cities, academia, governments and businesses on large complex developments. The business models are environmentally, socially and financially sustainable and have proven their success in communities where no one has succeeded without significant government support. With new ideas for old buildings and sound business practices, World of Walas creates places where people want to live, work, produce and participate. For more on World of Walas visit
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